I will do an in-depth clairvoyant reading and spiritual counseling on your topic.

I am a licensed minister from the Berkeley Psychic Institute, and have performed thousands of clairvoyant readings and healings. I go into a meditative trance and see the energies and information that is surrounding your topic or question. This is also a form of spiritual counseling, where we get to the root of the issue.

I can also help you make decisions by looking at the energy of each choice, or look at what you are attracting from the future based on your energies, and what your higher self/spirit is trying to create.

  • Feeling stuck in life
  • Manifestations (Law of Assumption)
  • Career/Money
  • Love Relationships
  • Family
  • Aura & Chakra Reading
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Past Lives
  • Spirit Guides
  • Optional Tarot
  • Pet Readings
  • Connect to your deceased loved one
  • Healing work also available

Live Zoom Sessions: With this gig extra you can receive your session live with me by appointment (otherwise I write your reading).

I only need your first name. All readings are confidential & 100% equal-opportunity, with no judgement.

Thank you, and I look forward to your reading. 🙂

You can also visit the following websites to see other astrologers:

Top Rated Tarot and Card Psychic Readings

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