Before Booking! Contact me to ensure I can help.

As a Spiritual Development Coach, Intuitive Healing Guide, and Energy Healer I guide you on a journey of self-discovery to bring awareness to your blind spots, the places you are getting stuck. I then use Intuitive Guidance plus my extensive certifications and 15 years of client experience to help you release and transform. Read my bio for my certifications.

Our work together will give you the confidence and freedom to show up to life as your authentic Self and create your authentic life.

Regardless of where you are getting stuck, I can help! I have a vast experience including:

  • physical or mental health
  • self-esteem & self-worth
  • forgiveness & letting go
  • career
  • relationships
  • money & abundance
  • spiritual connection
  • cancer survivorship

I approach our work from a place of compassion and wisdom as I walk alongside you, guiding you on your own healing journeys towards true inner freedom.

During our session, I will identify and address:

  • Energetic Blockages (in body, mind & spirit)
  • Subconscious Beliefs
  • Nervous System Reprogramming (for anxiety, depression, over-thinking)
  • Trauma Release
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Parts Work (IFS)
  • And more!

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